
The ECPGC is looking for photos and articles for our upcoming newsletter!  Remember that all members of ECPGC can advertise animals for sale, merchandise etc on the ECPGC website.  Please send all information to  Hannah Atkins at hma5010@psu.edu and if you would also like the information on our website please send material to Michael O'Kelly at CFPYGMYGOATS@aol.com.


 Good Day Region 5!!!!

I would like to thank all of you who voted for me as YOUR Regional Director of Region 5.  I am your voice at the board meeting and I am sure you can see I had voted as the region had requested.  Remember the key to success is to lead with PASSION and have your MEMBERS voices' heard. Please make sure that you all give me your feedback when the agendas are posted.  "Your" voice is what COUNTS.

As you can see from the meeting notes that were sent out on Tuesday January 24, 2012 we had a very busy board meeting.  If you were not included in the email please verify with me that I have your correct email address. I want all of your input and I want all of you to be aware of the changes as they occur within OUR association. If any of you have questions/concerns please do not hesitate to call or email. As your director I am always willing to listen.  I would also like to thank/recognize Sarah Read for her continued dedication to Region 5.  She too worked very hard at this Board Meeting.  I consider Region 5 very blessed for the directors they currently have representing OUR region.

I feel confident that we have made great decisions/progress at the January 2012 board meeting.  Unfortunately, there needed to be some cuts to the budget, none of which were easy for us to do. Our intent is that these cuts are temporary however as members we need to step up to the plate and try to assist in the solution.  There are several ways member can assist in making a difference to benefit NPGA as a whole. Take advantage of the items we have for sale in our Merchandise-some are currently available as sale items (every breeder would benefit from having Best of Memo 1,2,3 & 4, Judges Training Manual, Pygmy Goats: Management and Veterinary Care & Illustrated Standard of the Pygmy Goat) A wonderful way of advertising your farm and animals is to take advantage of the Breeders Listing located in the back of MEMO.  This is a wonderful resource to get your animals promoted for a minimum cost of $20.00 (4 issues) per year. Also please be aware of when your membership dues are due and pay accordingly.

As members of Region 5, ones with great DEDICATION and PASSION to the Pygmy Goat Breed & NPGA I am confident that we will once again be on top!!  I am wishing all of you a wonderful kidding season, an enjoyable show season and most importantly get out there and have some FUN with our beloved animals!!!

Michael O'Kelly


 NPGA Board Meeting Summary

Welcome the New 2012 Executive Committee:

President: Denise Frasure
Vice President: April Seiler
Secretary: Kim Shunney
Treasurer: Linda Shipley

Medical Alert was discussed and proper procedure was implemented. It states as follows;
Emergency Protocol: ”Any emergency or urgent issue coming to the attention of an NPGA Member or official shall be referred to the executive committee for review and resolution.”

Dr Elaine Krieg was present for the HER committee and presented two articles on Johne’s Disease.  One of which will be immediately put directly on the NPGA website, the longer and extensive report will have a link on the NPGA website allowing all members access to the report. Thank-you to the HER Committee for working so diligently on this matter.

The Judging Clinic for all candidates will remain on Saturday and Sunday.

Con Ed for Judges will ONLY be on Monday rather than the two day training.  Judges attending Con Ed are no longer required to pay the $50.00 fee to attend.

As in the report; Jennifer Josephson has resigned as Clinician.  A new Clinician will soon be appointed.  It was also asked that an assistant clinician be appointed-which was approved.  JTC will recommend two parties for these positions and then they will be officially appointed by the board.

President Denise Frasure is in the process of forming an Ad Hoc Committee to research the proper procedure of the Hormel Scoring System.  There has been great discrepancy/controversy on this matter.   A resolution is necessary ASAP. Committee will exist of Kevin Kress (JTC Chair), Jason Overman (Past JTC) Tim Norman, Michael O’Kelly, Karen Butler, Jean Sisco.  Currently waiting for one other appointment and directive from President Frasure.

President Denise Frasure appointed Thomas J Clooney-Joe as our new Compliance Chair.

Regarding the budget please acknowledge the following changes that have occurred: Please note that we worked very hard to balance the budget in a manner so that Members would be minimally effected. 

***Stipends for Directors and JTC committee members was reduced from $150 to $100. The additional travel expenses other than airfare ($100.00) was eliminated.

***Currently we are only offering one $500 Youth Scholarship until further notice.

***Memo with be printed in black and white.

***It was decided that we will no longer have the date tabs on champion rosettes.  We have also discussed a possibility of “recycling” of older ribbons to cut further costs.  The “Recycling Program would not be a mandatory requirement of all members, only of those who chose to participate in the program.  This is currently in the talking stage.

***In attempts of reducing the amount of Merchandise in storage the board has decided to have a sale.  Selling off some of the older items as “Sale Items” we are hoping that we can reduce some of the merchandise we currently have in stock.  This will allow us to buy and update the merchandise we will have available to members for sale.  ****A reminder to all Show Chairs please take advantage of the show chair package that can be shipped to you. HELP increase the sales of Merchandise at your local shows.

The following “New Business”:
Motion A: Regarding 2 owner participating the Master Challenge-No Appetite.

Motion B: Regarding to the Showmanship score card.-No appetite

Motion C: Eliminating the $50 judges' fee for attending Con-Ed.-Passed (also above)

Motion D: Terms for members on committees.- Passed
(Members of any committee will rotate off of said committee by the actual date of their appointment (M/D/Y).

Motion E: Regarding defining senior does as freshened or unfreshened.-Passed

Motion F: Regarding to Master Championship paperwork.-Withdrawn

Motion G: Regarding confusion with the names of Judges Clinic; candidates vs Judges.-Passed
Judges Clinic is for the candidates, Con Ed is for the licensed judges.
***Auditors wishing to attend the “Clinic” will be participating in the “Judges Clinic”.  The number of auditors will be decided by the number of candidates taking the JTE.

Motion H: Regarding Affiliated Club chair must be an NPGA member in good standing.-Passed

Motion I: Define "Verbal consent" when showing a goat owned by another exhibitor.

It was a wonderful experience attending the January 2012 Board Meeting.  There was a great deal of hard work, dedication and passion by all involved in each and every agenda item.


Michael O’Kelly
Region 5 Director.

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